mardi 24 avril 2012

French Breakfast: Practice

     During the Easter Break one of my French friend came to visit, the problem was that in London croissants and pains au chocolat are quite expensive compare to France ( £1.50-£2-0.80-1.10 euros) so I could not offer her a "typical" French breakfast. I had to do with the things I have here.. 

Having a French breakfast with English food (sounds impossible right?! But I did it):

The first thing to do when you make a French breakfast is to take every single thing in your cupboard and put it on the table. Even if you just have one biscuit of that or that, the aim is to have the choice of what you are going to eat. As we did not have croissant or other traditional French pastries, we had to do with English biscuits and it was a good way to make my friend try typical English things. We had custard cream biscuits, ginger nuts, Shortbread biscuits, chocolate digestives, toast and cereals.

I know that for English people it might sound weird to have these biscuits for breakfast because they are usually eaten with a cup of tea at teatime.

After putting everything on the table, put some chocolate or coffee in your bowl and pour some milk into it.

You can have it cold or hot. Then if you want it hot put your milk in the microwave before adding some chocolate inside. 3 minutes would be enough!

 Not waste of time during French breakfast too! Your milk is away in the microwave... So pour some orange juice into a glass and toast your toasts 3 minutes, not 2 or 4 minutes!

 As they are still warm, put some butter on them, it will melt and they will be amazing!

Then, put some jam on it with the melt butter it will mix and it will be better! Usually, French people do not have toast except if there is nothing else to eat.. They would rather have fresh bread such as baguette that they would cut in half and put in the toaster. In my opinion it is better but there is no boulangerie (bakery) around so... However, I have to say that toasts in England are so much better than toasts in France but  I think it is because fresh bread is not a tradition here.

Then be a proper French and dip your toast into your chocolate milk! The best thing to do is to dip everything in your milk actually.

Enjoy your English-French breakfast!

At some point in the afternoon having a second breakfast...

As French people cannot help eating French things, we went to a bakery and  had a croissant that we ate with the French way!

     Alice B. Toklas in her book Alice B. Toklas Cook Book broke the myth saying that croissant "are a typically French bread, though they were created in Austria." ... However, they are part of French culture and traditions with the pain au chocolat if you ask them they would say that croissant is French and that they are also part of the typical breakfast as Toklas says "usual coffee and rolls or croissants with butter, jam, marmalade or jelly. Croissants are delicious accompaniment to breakfast or to tea" (p.269).

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