jeudi 26 avril 2012

British Breakfast: Practice

     As I am living with British people, checking if the practice was the same than the theory was quite easy.
I investigate into the one aspect of British breakfast which is very famous in my floor in Newman house (on campus) and also a mystery for French people: Beans on Toast.

     The first week I arrived at Roehampton University, I was so surprised by British food. So different from French one... But one particular thing that "chocked" me was the meal that British people especially students have for breakfast or lunch: Beans on Toast. To me, that was/is one of the strangest thing I have seen here. In France we have backed beans with tomato sauce BUT we eat them with meat in a plate as an entire "vegetable". We don't eat beans alone with toasts. But in the UK, it is a very famous and loved dish maybe because it is very easy to make and quite cheap. 
We can read more and more scenes in the literature about beans on toasts. For example, Beans on Toast by Dowling P. for children about the story of the beans and their journey to go to children's plate. 

SCOOP: The real preparation of beans on toast by British students:

Step 1: Put the toast, only one is good but two pieces of toast are better, in the toaster for 3 minutes. 

By the way, two very very very important household appliances in a British kitchen where students live must be the toaster and the kettle.

Step 2: Take the best can of baked beans that you find in your cupboard. Open it carefully.

The most difficult step in the preparation, is to find a clean bowl to pour the beans inside. If you cannot find a clean one and you are too lazy to wash one, take something else that can replace the bowl, such as a Tupperware(see the picture).

         Everything must be in the "bowl"! No beans left in the can to make a proper job.

Put the beans in the third more important element of a British kitchen for students: the microwave! 

Step 3: No time wasted, as your beans are away for a while and as your toasts are ready and feel alone on the toaster, take them in a clean plate (if difficulties to find a clean plate, see step 2). Take your butter and put it on your hot toast. In doing so, the butter will be melt and your toast, not dried.

Step 4:  Your beans are ready in the microwave. Take and pour them on the toasts. Try to separate the beans equitably on both pieces of toast.

Step 5: Eat and enjoy the popular beans on toasts. You must take quite a lot of beans on the piece of toast.
Part of the experience, I have tried the beans on toast for this blog.

Result: it is beans on toast I thought it would be better than that but it is all right... 
This dish is so popular that during my holidays in Spain I saw in a restaurant they served them... 

1 commentaire:

  1. Even after several months spent in England, I still does not understand how they can possibily eat such a thing, especially for breakfast. But on the other hand, they cannot understand why I dip my toast in my hot chocolate before eating them. Cultures are so different and after all it is very interesting to discover the others' habits. I like the way you shot the different steps to prepare this meal. Have you tasted it yourself?
